22 Oct 2013

About line & radio communication

                            ABOUT LINE & RADIO COMMUNICATION


Transmission by physical line provides a secure and more stable method of communication. Normally the lines cannot be the easily intercepted. For sort distances point to point communications this may be the most economical solution in many situations. Line transmission however occupies space for overhead erection or burying the cables. It is liable to disruption by accidents or careless digging operations. It may not be possible in difficult terrain or to cover the in-accessible areas. It is not suitable for mobile communication.

Radio transmission system is suitable for mobile and broadcasting applications. It is extensively used for point to multipoint communication systems. It provides economical solution in many situations for long distance communications. Generally establishment of a radio system takes less time than construction of line communication. In congested areas laying of the line network may not be possible or be very expensive. Then radio systems are also convenient for temporary / portable installations for emergency use. Radio communication systems however require special arrangements to overcome interference and interception.

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