29 Oct 2013

Historical Background & Their Global Aspects



Telecommunication is defined as any Transmission, Emission or Reception of Signs, Signals, Writing, Images, Sounds or Intelligence of an nature by Radio+Optical or other Electromagnetic systems.

Human beings conveyed messages over distances by sound and visual signals from pre-historic times apart from physical transportation by runners riders and trained pigeons. In ancient Greece, a man called Phidippides ran 241 kilometers from Athens to Sparta in two days, to ask Sparta's help against Persians before the battle of Marathon. He then ran 40 kilometers from Marathon to Athens with news of a Greek victory. Messages could also be carried by riders on fast horses. The Pony Express ran between Missouri and California - a distance of 3,164 kilometers - from 1860 to 1861. Relays of men on horses could deliver mail in 10 days. Each man rode about 121 kilometers a day. In India Seraye's were built in Pre-Moghal Muslim period.

These served as staging posts for the horse riding messengers. The remains of the earliest communication system relating to the Moghal period can be seen by the road side between Agra and Srinagar. These are the seraye's of masonry heaps or half-columns at suitable distances, for accommodating drummers used to send advance messages of the Moghal King Jahangir's procession. Pigeons were used even before the time of Changhez Khan for carrying but Changhez organized a Pigeon relay service across Asia and part of Europe.

Lighting of fire on hill tops, release of smoke was an early form of visual signaling. At sea the traditional method of communication was to hoist flags at different part of ships to communicate depicting messages.


on this method of flag signaling was adopted on land. Semaphore, a code for signaling alphabet with the help of 2 flags continued to be used for long time.

The discovery of static electricity and invention of layden jar in 1746 for its storage paved the way for further experiment, which led Benjamin Franklin to identify conductors and insulators. Telegraphy over electrical conductors was described since 1753. On these findings Georges Lesage built a communication link in 1774 with separate wires for different alphabets. This was improved upon by Sir Francis Ronald's using a single wire. The first telegraph link was constructed in 1787 between Madrid and Aranjuez over a distance of 42 km. With the invention of electric cell by Volta a source of continuous electric current become available & the demonstration of magnetic effect of electric current by Oersted in 1820 facilitated electrical communications.

Telecommunication system can be established with a minimum of two users.
With the increases in the number of user the utility of the network is improved.
Telecommunication system may be private, corporate, public or government.
Defense and police telecommunications are examples of government sector.
Public telecommunication service is not restricted to the national boundaries. National public telecommunication networks are part of global system. In fact the global telecommunication system is the world's largest network. A telecommunication system has to be built according to standards and operated according to regulations established by the national authorities or the concerned international organizations.

here...Alas Mrose...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / described with the help of TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK

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