5 Nov 2013

My Great Ambition - fairyage

                                          MY GREAT AMBITION

My ambition is to serve the public at large, particularly, the needy and poor as a doctor. I wish to set a new trend of treatment. We hear a lot about corruption, negligence and rudeness in medical profession. I shall remove all the evils breeding in hospitals and dispensaries. I have determined to serve mankind efficiently in the best interest of humanity.

I shall live within my means and try to treat the poor and needy free of charge. No chowkidar will be asked to stand on the door of my office. People will freely see me and get their treatment.

They will not be charged consultation fee. Medicines will not be charged very high. I shall be available to the patients round the clock. There will be no hide and seek between us. I shall win their hearts with my treatment towards them.

May GOD enable me to get my ideas into practice.

here...Alas Mrose...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com

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