The Honeyguide's Revenge
One day, while Gingile was hunting, he heard the honey call of Ngede. He stopped and listened carefully. "Chitik-chitik-chitik", the little bird rattled. He began flying ahead, stopping several times to be sure that Gingile followed.
After a while they reached a huge, wild fig tre. Ngede hopped about madly among the branches. He then settled on a branch and cocked his head, looking at Gingile as if to say, 'Here it is!' Gingile couldn't see anything from his place on the forest floor, but he knew the Honeyguide's reputation. He placed his tools at the foot of the tree, gathered some dry twings and made a small fire. As soon as the twigs were burning well, Gingile put a long dry stick into the fire. It was a wood that made lots of smoke while it burned. As soon as it began burning properly, he began climbing, the cool end of the branch held in his mouth.
Soon he could hear the loud buzzing of the busy bees. When he reached the hive, he quickly thrust the smoking end of the branch into the hollow. The bees came rushing out. Gingile pushed his hands into the nest. He took out handfuls of the heavy comb, dripping with rich honey. He ignored the few stings he received, placed the comb carefully in the bag he wore around his neck and slowly made his way down.
Ngede watched all this eagerly. He fidgeted, waiting for the moment when Gingile would give him a fat piece of honeycomb as a thank-offering. Ngede loved the juicy bees and the waxy comb.
Finally, Gingile reached the ground. Ngede flew down and waited patiently for his share. But Gingile put out the fire, picked up his tools, and started walking home, ignoring the little bird.
Ngede chirped indignantly. Gingile stopped, stared at the little bird and laughed aloud. "you want some of the honey, do you? Ha! Who did all the work and received all the stings? Why should I share any of this lovely honey with you, you little nothing? Be off and find yourself another supper!' And with a wave of his arm, Gingile walked away.
Ngede was furious! How dare this man break the age-old custom! But little Ngede was not powerless. He would get his revenge!
Several weeks later, Gingile again heard the call of Ngede. Remembering the last time, Gingile followed the little bird again. Ngede came to rest in a great thorn three. Gingile quickly made his small fire and began to climb. Ngede sat and watched.
Gingile climbed, wondering why he didn't hear the usual buzzing. He was concentating hard on his climbing, and daydreaming about the honey. Suddenly, he found himself face to face with a leopard! The leopard was startled and angry at having her sleep so rudely disturbed. She narrowed her eyes, opened her mouth to reveal her large, sharp teeth, and struck the man, dragging her claws across his forehead.
Gingile rushed down the tree. He landed with a heavy thud on the gound, breaking several of his bones. He wore the scars of the leopard on his forehead for the rest of his life.
But the children of Gingile, and the children of the children of Gingile, heard the story of Ngede. Whenever they harvest honey, they are sure to leave the biggest and juiciest part of the comb for Ngede!
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