29 Oct 2013

List of top ten things to make your life worth


Our life is a wonderful adventure. In the meanwhile, I share this list with the hope that it'll challenge you, and create your day additional appreciated + happy life.
  • Take your time to dream...It is need for achieve your goal.
  • Take your time to work...It is the price of your future success.
  • Take your time to think...It is the source of your will power.
  • Take your time to read...It is the foundation of knowledge.
  • Take your time to play...It is the secret of young generation.
  • Take your time to love...It is your need + It is the source of joy.
  • Take your time to laugh...It helps your happy life.
  • Take your time for health...It is also your need + the true treasure of life.
  • Take your time for Friends...They are the source of your happiness.
  • Take your time to worship...It is also need for life, for wishes, for life, for GOD kindness.
here...feeling's...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / describe with the help of Main factor of happy life.

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