26 Oct 2013

History of the ISLAMIC world - Seek Knowledge


"Seek knowledge though you may have to travel to CHINA". was the advice of the HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) to his followers.

GOD exalts those of you, who believe and those who are given knowledge to high ranks. Thus, the HOLY QURAN says very clearly about the relationship between faith in ALLAH and Knowledge.
Our HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) laid great stress on seeking knowledge. He raised the degree of learning seventy times higher than prayer. He declared that the faith of a person who pays respect to another for his wealth and not for knowledge is defective. Wealth has to be protected whereas knowledged protects man. There is no end to the supply of information stored in a mind.

All human beings are free to choose between right and wrong, good and evil. Allah has given man the freedom to choose the path he desires. He has put forth before man good and evil. It is for man to choose the right path. It leads us to ALLAH. IN OUR PRAYERS, FIVE TIMES A DAY, WE THE MUSLIMS, PRAY TO ALLAH TO SHOW US THE RIGHT PATH. THE PATH OF THOSE ON WHOM HE HAS SHOWERED HIS BLESSINGS AND NOT OF THOSE WHO AROUSED HIS ANGER.

Man has been sent on earth to think, to observe, to seek knowledge and finally choose for himself the right path which strengthens his faith in ALLAH. Knowledged strengthens our belief. Knowledge of all kinds should be acquired. It has been beautifully summed up in the HOLY QURAN, "In the creation of the heaven and the earth, in the alternations of day and night, in the ships that sail and benefit the men, in the clouds, in the rain there are signs for those who think, understand and believe."

Nothing in this universe has been created in vain. Everything has a purpose and meaning in it for man to understand and admire ALLAH.

For about a thousand years the MUSLIMS were the torchbearers of knowledge. This was a glorious achievement. The MUSLIM preserved the entire ancient heritage and then passed it on to the modern Europetogether with their own great contributions. ISLAM was a dominant force in Spain for about eight hundered years. The modern European civillization which dominates the world today owes a great deal to the ISLAM.

Great Universities grew up in the MUSLIM world particularly in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Spain.

The light of these universities shone for beyond the MUSLIM world, and drew students and scholars both the MUSLIMS and the Christian from the East and the West.

The MUSLIM scholars and writers made great contributions to History, Geography, Mathematics, Algebra, Astronomy and Chemistry as well as literature and the Arts.

In his book, "History of the World, "H.G. Wells is of the opinion that it was through the MUSLIMS that the modern world was introduced to the two disciplines, called Humanities and Sciences.

What is the HUMANITIES.

All the subjects such as Literature, Philosop0hy, Fine Arts, Music, History, Political Science etc, whdeal with the human needs and emotions.

What is the SCIENCES.

Chimistry, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Astronomy, Mathematics, etc. Moreover even Psychology, Economics and Statistics, which help explore the universe and its truth.

here...Anonymous...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / described with help of THE ISLAMIC HISTORY

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