1 Nov 2013

The description of a good boy


The boy that is good,
Does learn his book well;

                                        And if he can't read,
                                        Will strive for to spell.

His school he does love,
And when he is there,

                                       For play and for toys,
                                       No time can he spare.

His mind is full bent,
On what he is taught;

                                      He sits in the school,
                                     As one full of thought.

Though not as a mope,
Who quakes out of fear,

                                     The whip or the rod
                                     Should fall on his rear.

But like a good lad,
Who aims to be wise,

                                     He thinks on his book, 
                                     And not on his toys.

His mein will be grave,
Yet, if you would know,

                                     He plays with an air,
                                     When a dunce dare not so.

His aim is to learn,
His task is his play;

                                   And when he has learned,
                                   He smiles and looks gay.

here...anonymous...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / described with help of HENRY DIXON (1675-1760)

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