13 Nov 2013

The role of communication in business - part one


  • Business is not today what it was twenty-five years ago.
  • Communication plays the key role in world business today.
  • Effective communication is the top quality of a successful businessman.
  • Better communicator can form a better image in the business world.
  • Effective communication can become one’s trademark.
  • Ability to communicate well is equally important internally and externally.
  • It helps a businessman at every stage or level of his business promotion.
  • Ability to communicate is helpful to understand human relationships within an organization as well as outside it.
Business is not today what it was twenty-five years ago. The nature of business has totally changed. Business has changed both at the top and at the bottom. At the lowest rung of the ladder, you have to send out circulars to thousands and receive enquiries and orders by the thousands. You have to deal with them briskly and effectively.

The ability to communicate effectively with others is repeatedly named as a top quality of a successful businessman – you as a businessman may be a very intelligent person: but if you can’t get your message across to the other, you will be thought of as less intelligent than you are because ideas are common, but the ability to clearly communicate ideas to others is rare.

If you are a better communicator, customers and business associates form better impression of you and your organization. This impression is based solely upon your ability to communicate both oral and written. Effective business message builds or retains good will which is a priceless commodity. Because the exchange of written communication is vital to a businessman for promoting goodwill, the art of producing effective correspondence will help ensure your success in business.

Here...Alas Mrose...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / describe with the help of B. Com part I,II & Prof.

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