8 Nov 2013

about Human mystery or illusion - part two

illusion or magic real?
about Human mystery or illusions 

As an example, he writes about the his own experience of Carl Tidy, he is a graphic designer in 2005. He was asked to design a poster for some churches. With this thought in his own mind, he walked out for a breath of fresh air. As he looked up at the sky, he saw a formation of the clouds in the form of Jesus on the Cross. Did Carl’s mind unknowingly hook up with the mind of the living planet to unintentionally form the cloud?

Another incident is of a friend of the author, Dan Green, who read about the February 16th incident when thousands of dolphins had gathered off the coast of San Diego. With this report in her mind she stepped out of her home in Mansfield to see a cloud exactly in the shape of a dolphin!

Accordingly to psychology there is even a term for this phenomenon though not yet completely understood. It is called Pareidolia.

Now let’s come to the air around us. Though we cannot see the wind, it still blows about us. But what we do not know is that the wind has certain kinds of negative & positive particles that may affect our moods or face in certain ways! Okay now this is seriously baffling (illusion), I agree. But here is the illusion part or magical part.

At certain strengths and measurements the winds have known to be the reason for increasing the possibility of heart attacks, fights & even our mood swings! No wonder the term, “The winds of change” comes to mind. According to Dan Green, “My own experiences tell me that consciousness is everywhere, in every tree, stone, river and all else. Mother Earth can speak with us, but I doubt very much that it can be bullied by us.”

Now we come to the dark side of illusion or magic. Yes (illusion) or magic in which people state that they take help from the supernatural or spiritual world in order to harm people or manipulate their powers into what we call “black magic”or"illusion).

Now as we all know that we are all connected to the universe & its energies. If an individual uses these in the some wrong way, no good can come of it. Kindly remember what you send forward comes back. The proof of this is that the world is round. Getting lost in any kind of darkness, whether natural or physical, is (not good) bad. So, yes there is magic all around us. If only our minds can tap into the unseen capabilities that we have within us. As they say you can do anything “once you put your mind or whole tension to it”.

here...feeling's...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / describe with the help of FATIMA SAJID

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