13 Nov 2013

The role of communication in business - part two


So, your ability to communicate is, in fact, your trademark. The memos, letters and reports you write, demonstrate your ability or lack of ability to communicate. Presenting yourself through your communication will project a favourable image as well as promote successful business operators both internally and externally.

Besides, as a businessman you are required to run the workig of your organization smoothly because you are to clearly transfer your objectives, policies, method of working etc, to the people working with you at different levels, so this ability to communicate is very crucial for you as a businessman for basic managerial functions.

As a businessman you will regularly plan design and control affairs to maximize your production and minimize your cost. Your ability to communicate effectively is going to help you from the brainstorming step to implementing the objectives that you chalk out for the promotion of your business.

Another factor that is important for a businessman to achieve the desired objectives is decision making. Here again ability to communicate both orally and in writing heps you make the most of yourself and your organization.

Above all else, your ability to communicate helps you in understanding human relationships. Being an effective communicator you can interact effectively and positively with others. This situation results in an open climate of communication within organization as well as outside it. So communication is of paramount importance for a businessman to be successful in his business.

Here...Alas Mrose...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / describe with the help of B. Com part I,II & Prof.

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