23 Oct 2013

The universe the dying SUN

                                      THE UNIVERSE THE DYING SUN

Sir JAMES has given his views about the universe, the Earth and life. In his opinion, the universe is very immense. The stars are numberless. The place of the Earth in the Universe is like a partical of sand on the sea-shore. The stars travel in space immensely for away from one another.
It is very rare that one star comes near the other. However, the writer thinks, some two thousand million years ago a wandering star came close to the sun, it created a huge tide, on the surface of the Sun. As a result, a big mountain of matter arose. And before the other star began to move away, the mountain of matter was torn into pieces which scattered in space. These pieces began to move round the Sun. Today these ar known as planets. Our earth is one of them. but Islamic point of view that not TRUE.

In the beginning, these planets were extremely hot. Gradually, they cooled down and lost their heat. During the course of time life came into existence on the Earth. Its beginning was very humble, but later it grew complex culminating into human beings However, it is not known how and when life came into existence.

The writer also tells that on our small earth when we try to discover the nature and purpose of the Universe, our first feeling is fear. We are frightened by immense distances and stretches of thme. we feel extreme loneliness and littleness.

Life does not seem to have existence in the Universe except on our earth. The creation of the earth was a rare chance. Life can exist on planets like the earth. The stars are too hot for this. Space is either too cold or too hot for life to exit.

The view of James have deprived man of his importance purpose, he cannot be called the crown of the creation. Even James altered his opinion later on. However, the way he has communicated his views is really remarkable.

here...Alas Mrose...the original content by SIR JAMES adopted www.fairyage.com / www.sensualityface.com

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