14 Nov 2013

What is Charming Leisure fairyage


LEISURE is a delightful and beautiful poem. The poet feels sorry at the preoccupation of man in daily pursuite of life. Man of the modern age does not have enough time to enjoy the beauty of natural objects of life lying around him. The poet says that we have no time to stand and stare at the charming sights and feel happy over them. In this regard, our lot is worse than animals. The cows and sheep have more time than we have to enjoy the beauty of a shady tree. Due to our preoccupation in life, we miss many happy and delightful sights.

We do not have time to see how the squirrels hide their nuts in a forest.

Our life is full of worries and cares if we do not have time  to enjoy the beauty of different sights.

Our life is colourless and devoid of enjoyment.

Our craze for earning wealth has deprived us of , many pleasurable sights which are a feast to our eyes. Early in the morning, the light of the sun falls on the waters of the stream. The steam is full of stars. At night the sky is full of twinkling stars. Both the sights are highly pleasing, but we have no spare time to enjoy the beauty of such sights

The poet feels that we hanker after worldly affairs of life. As a result of it, we do not enjoy the charms of a beautiful woman. We do not have leisure to enjoy the beautiful eyes of a young woman. Who looks at us with love. She has a beautiful gait. Her dancing feet have magic in them. But alas we cannot enjoy the beauty of her dancing feet due to lack of time. The poet puts a question to us "WHAT IS THIS LIFE IF WE HAVE NO TIME TO STAND AND STARE?" In his view life loses all its charm and beauty if we do not have time to enjoy the physical as well as the natural beauty of objects.
here...Alas Mrose...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / described with the help of WILLAIM DAVIES

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