24 Oct 2013

About caged

                                 ABOUT CAGED

I have ornithophobia, commonly known as the fear of birds; I don't know why I have it, I dont know how I got it, all I know is that I have it. Maybe I saw Alfred Hitchcock's movie Birds as a child, or maybe a crow snatched edibles from my hand when I was learning to eat. I will never really know the source of my phobia unless I decideto go under hypnosis, and for that, I need a psychiatrist. But then a sensible psychiatrist is impossible to find, much like a sane intelligence agent both indulge in too many mind games and maybe therefore lose their own. I guess I'm better off living with ornithophobia!

I vividly remember an incident involving my phobic self. I was maybe 14 years old, it was a lazy saturday afternoon and I was hanging out with Mom in the kitch when Dad, apparently wanting to have some fun at my expense, entered with a pigeon in his hand. His purposeful stance was directed towards my chill self. I ran like a maniac, aiming for the bathroom, Dad raced right behind. I was almost successful in sealing the door to the panic room, when I saw a pigeon head appear through the small gap of the open door. Dad was pushing from one side, me from the other, but my fear was so great that I pushed the door shut with herculean might, bolt, lock and seal! Dad and the pigeon both left with an anticlimactic ending. I laughed hysterically; it was relief beyond measure, victory beyond doubt!

I sometimes wonder if mine is a real phobia or a funny phobia. Apparently Lucille Ball, I love lucy fame, had severe bird phobia, to the extent that on purchasing expensive property she got the costly wall paper ripped off because it had bird images on it. She was a funny lady so maybe she had a funny phobia.

So what is real phobia? To put it in plain words, phobia is an irrational fear that is harboured despite contradictory evidence. Claustrophobia is a fear of small spaces, and a person with claustrophobia is afraid of confined spaces even if theyknow that the small space is a cosy harmless love nest.

Then there is arachnophobia commonly called the fear of spiders, acrophobia also known as the fear of heights and acrophobia, the fear of flying.Whoopi Goldberg apparently lives with aerophobia, no space travel for you Ms Goldberg.

Recently I found myself in a theme park where the only way down the five floors was through an aviary imagine my plight. Anyone who despises me, or is a friend enemy (a friend who is actually your enemy), this is your best revenge, put me in a birdcage and mine will soon be a story of one who flew over the cuckoo's nest pun intended. I was rescued by a sweet gardener who instructed me to close my eyes, while I instinctively put my hands on my ears, and led me out of the big birdcage. Needless to say I later married the gardener, though his second job is a little more lucrative.

In my case, the phobia is very man ageable; the only time I get a little overwhelmed is when I am at a sidewalk cafe and the birds are hovering for crumbs, and that too I have learned to control for the most part thanks to my little son who shhhhhs the winged beasts away.

What is one to do when the little savior son is missing from the scene or when the phobia is of a nature that it cannot be managed with the little son's aid, but instead a little pill is required to manage the rational or irrational fear. The answer is simple for some, and not too simple for others, for in the words of FDR lies great wisdom, 'the only thing we have to fear is fear is self - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance'.

here...Alas Mrose...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / described & simplified with the help of Newpaper

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