24 Oct 2013

About fashion

                                                  ABOUT FASHION

No doubt it is an age of fashions. The fascination of fashions is particularly very strong in our cities. Adults as well as teenagers know fully well the social importance of fashions. The craze to look smart and up-to-date is becoming ever more strong. The garment industry, attractive advertising and films are mainly responsible for this craze. The T.V.commercials and the press have also affected and captured the imagination of the people.
PAKISTAN'S working abroad have poured in a lot of money in recent years. Shopping plazas and markets have sprung up every where. Foreign designs and elegant dressmaking are very much in demand. Every week there are full page coloured pictures of fashion wears, powders, perfumes and cosmetics. Fabrics, footwear, furniture, fast food and video films have become the fashion of the day. People in cities seem to have given themselves away to shifting fashions. Fashions move like windstorms.

The glitter of advertisements makes everything look like gold. We should be on our guard, because all that glitters may not be gold in some cases.

here...Alas Mrose...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / described with the help of World Fashion industry

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