24 Oct 2013

A misspelled tale


A little boy said, 'Mother, deer,
May I go out too play?
The son is bright, the heir is clear,
Owe, mother, don't say neigh!'
Go foruth, my sun, the mother said.
The ant said, 'Take ewer slay,
Your gneiss knew sled, awl painted read,
Butt dew knot lose your weigh.

(The weather changes and it starts to snow.)
Threw snowdrifts grate, threw watery pool,
He flue with mite and mane-
Said he, 'though I wood walk by rule,
I am not rite, 'tis plane.

'I'd like to meat sum kindly sole,
For hear gnu dangers weight,
And yonder stairs a treacherous whole
Two sloe  has been my gait.

'I'm week and pail, I've mist my rode,'
But here a carte came past,
He and his sled were safely toad
Back two his home at last.'

here...feelings...the original contents by www.sensualityface.com or www.fairyage.com / describe with the help of ELIZABETH T. CORBETT (ABRIDGED)

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